- (660) 829-0919
- contact@bfcsedalia.org
- Sundays @ 10:30AM In-Person, 11:15AM Live-Stream
Teenagers are in the middle of some awkward transitions, but their experience with One Story doesn’t have to be one of them.
As they engage in One Story, they are being invited to think, engage, and experience at the next level. Students will be encouraged to take initiative in their walk with Jesus and how they interact with their parents.
God has big plans for your youth, and not just “when they grow up.” So, we want to equip them with the very best understanding and experience of Jesus.
How does it go? Youth are led through the entire biblical narrative, focusing on the same stories as the other levels, but at a deeper and more mature level to help them process, engage, and apply what they are hearing to their lives.
There is video teaching followed by discussion questions, activity, and prayer. It is our heart, plan, and focus to help equip this generation to walk in God’s best for their lives.
This Series begins with “TRUST” on October 1st.
In this series, students will learn about the many ways that God has proven He is trustworthy right from the start. They will focus on the idea that God is a good God who can be trusted by discussing what trust is and why it is important in relationship.