New Here

What To Expect

Service starts on Sunday morning at 10:30am. Early prayer begins at 9:50 am and concludes at 10:10. Free Coffee and snacks are available before service begins in the fellowship area, which is directly to your right when you enter the front doors.

Our Worship time or time of singing will kick our time together. We use a mix of live music and videos to encourae everyone to connect with God during this time. After prayer, announcements kids are dismissed and the message for the day begins.

At the close of service our prayer team is available to agree or pray with you concerning your needs!



What About My Kids

Have kids? No worries, we’ve got you covered. We have yet to re-open the nursery, but we are having Bethel Kids and J12 for kids 5-13. To read more about our awesome children’s ministry, click the button below!
Have questions? We have the answers!


We are located at 120 East 5th in Downtown Sedalia. We are on the corner of 5th and Lamine.
Our service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Yes!! We have an excellent team to serve your kids from nursery age to 13 years old. The kids are dismissed after a time of singing and information.
Wear whatever you like. We really don’t care! You will find people who are very casual, lots of jeans, just regular. From time to time some may dress up, but it is totally a personal decision.
You can get to know people and make new friends by showing up a little early, being part of group, going to lunch, or serving in some area or ministry.

Starting at 10 am we have free coffee available. Upon entering the building, if you make an immediate right turn after entering the door you will go in the sanctuary. If you continue straight on you will find coffee and restrooms.

We do our best to help everyone connect with God and we use a mix of live music and videos for our worship, it just depends on the Sunday. We typically sing 3 or 4 songs followed by some announcements and a time to participate in giving.

Before the sermon begins kids from 5 to 13 are dismissed to their specific ministry areas. We will also have a free gift for all of our first time guests.

We believe that everyone has a gift and purpose from God to be used to build and equip the church. Beyond a personal conversation about your interest, we use “Connection Cards” that enable you to sign up, show interest, or let us know of your interest.

You can join a Growth Group via our “Connection Card, Online sign up, or on a sign up sheet in the Welcome room.


Looking for a church but not sure where to turn? We want to help you find a home. Our church is dedicated to helping everyday people grow in Christ, and we want to have some fun along the way! Click below to find out more and plan a visit.

Get Involved

Want to get involved with serving at the church? Every follower of Christ has a ministry that they are called to fulfill in their lives. We will invite you to several “next steps” that will help you know more about us, as you discern where you may want to serve.

Get Connected

Want to find a group of people to grow in your faith with? We use Growth Groups to help everyone Know God better and to Grow with others. Each semester we offering many opportunities and groups that you can choose from to help you in your walk with God and with others. See more about groups by clicking the button.


We would love to help answer them!